Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Attorney General Abbott Swears in Officers of the Hispanic Republican Conference

From left to right: Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, Rep. Raul Torres (Vice-Chairman of Financial Affairs), Rep. Dee Margo (Vice-Chairman of Administration), Rep. Aaron Peña (Chairman), Rep. Jose Aliseda (First Vice-Chairman), and Rep. Larry Gonzales (Vice-Chairman of Legislative Affairs)

We had a successful meeting of the Hispanic Republican Conference of Texas as we shared ideas with our Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott for the 82nd legislative session. As I started the meeting, I spoke briefly about the special challenges our communities are confronting this session. We spoke of the complex issues that could have a significant impact on our districts. Among these, immigration, border security, and budgetary issues, to name a few, will require members to step up and provide the necessary leadership in directing our state in a positive direction.

Rep. Geanie Morrison's ultra-sound bill received considerable support from members of the conference, many of whom are co-authors of the legislation. An official position has yet to be voted upon.

Attorney General Abbott joined us for dinner and spoke to the members about the unique importance we bring to the issues before the legislature. The issue of immigration was an important topic of discussion as was the recent court decision involving the Obama health care law. Questions regarding redistricting and the EPA were answered and discussed.

Most importantly what was discussed and clearly communicated was the desire of Attorney General Abbott to involve our communities in the decisions important to them and our state's future. Our conference members earnestly agreed and were impressed by the Attorney General's commitment. To confirm his commitment he agreed to travel to each of our districts to address issues of concern.

As we concluded our discussions, I asked the Attorney General if he would do us the honor of swearing in our conference's founding officers. He kindly obliged us.

We ended our meeting with a commitment to return to our discussions in the future. I think I speak for all involved that it was a significant and productive meeting and marks a continued improvement our communities will have in the leadership of our state.

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